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Grilled Brie with Herbs

Grilled Brie with Herbs

This perfectly simple dish of Grilled Brie and Herbs takes advantage of those lovely fresh summer garden herbs. It will make everyone want more.

The simplicity of this recipe allows the natural essence of the herbs to shine through, enhancing the overall taste and aroma of the cheese. Using fresh herbs along with white wine adds a unique dimension to the flavor, creating a harmonious blend of freshness and depth.

Using garden-fresh herbs elevates the taste and adds a touch of visual appeal with their vibrant colors and fragrant aroma. Combining different herbs adds complexity and layers of taste, ensuring that every mouthful is a culinary adventure. Choose the herbs you like and make this a personal dish to please family and friends.

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Jen Vondenbrink
Jen Vondenbrink
2023년 8월 29일
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About Me

Hi!  I'm Jen

Cooking is a passion passed down from both of my grandmothers to my mother and then to my sister and me.  

Throughout my career, I was always drawn back to food.  I've learned from experienced chefs, apprenticed with professional bakers, and tasted coffee with international experts.

Today I'm sharing those experiences with you.

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