In the Garden

Before the roses, hydrangea, and jasmine of summer, we have April. I love April on Cape Cod because everywhere you look there are these pops of color, mostly from daffodils. I've never lived anywhere else where daffodils took center stage in the Spring.
You see them, of course, in people's gardens, but then you will also see them randomly in woods, like in my backyard.

You will see them randomly lining the street where there are no houses. They were planted there some time ago, for sure, but now they are wild and beautiful. Close by, there is even a hillside full of white and yellow daffodils (I'll try and grab a pic and share it).

They even make a good resting spot after a game of catch. 😂
Saturday, for me, shifts from planning menus and cooking to Spring clean-up. It is the best time of year to really clear out the abundant overgrowth that takes over once the warm weather starts. By then, you can't keep up, and it is better to resign yourself to letting things go and cutting it all back in the Fall and Spring.

It is still too chilly to plant anything in the vegetable garden, so I get things started inside. My living room is transformed into a nursery for several weeks because of the warm Southern sun that streams in the picture window. I love peeking into the containers to watch the seeds sprout that, later this year, will make for delicious meals.

And at the end of a day working in the garden, there is nothing better then sitting back, albeit a bit achy, watching a sunset like this.

Ah! Can you just feel the relaxation?